10th Annual CCA Golf Tournament

The 10th Annual CCA Golf Tournament is set for Thursday May 15, 2025, 2pm Shotgun start at the following location:

Arrowhead Golf Club
10850 Sundown Trail
Littleton, CO 80125

As you know our golf tournament benefits our scholarship fund and once again it’s time to have some fun and help some high school graduates start their college experience.

Registration is now open:
* Price per Golfer: $165/ea
* Price per foursome: $660

Please join us on Thursday, May 15, 2025 for our 10th Annual Golf Tournament. It’s an 2:00 p.m. shotgun start at Arrowhead in Littleton. Which includes a grab and go lunch, a shared cart, AWESOME Hole sponsors, a fun golf day and an award dinner are included for each paid golfer.)

To register yourself or your foursome go to: https://www.ColoradoClaims.org.
Under the Payments tab you will see “Golf Attendee Registration” click there and you can register and pay in one easy step.

But wait… maybe you want to be a Scholarship Sponsor and be recognized on our posters, flyers and at the award luncheon?  That’s easy too.  The price for a Scholarship sponsor foursome is $810.00 with the extra $150 going direct into our scholarship fund.  Just complete the form under  “Golf Attendee Registration” and enter the amount of $810.00 and you’re all set.

Our Schedule of events looks like this:

  • 12:45 p.m. Hole Sponsors may enter the course for setup.  Arrowhead Staff and CCA members will be available to assist.
  • 1:00 p.m. Golfer Check in opens, Range is open for warm up. Grab and Go Lunch open.
  • 1:50 p.m. Golfers at carts, Intro announcements and get out on the course.
  • 2:00 p.m. Shotgun Start, Have Fun!
  • 7:00 p.m. Banquet hall opens up for buffet luncheon, followed by prizes from sponsors.

Email questions to: ccagolfer@gmail.com

Tournament is limited to 144 golfers, first come first served

Don’t Golf? Please send this to someone in the industry that might want to go.  With Spam filters getting more sensitive, many of our emails never make it to the folks in the claims business.  Thank you!

Thanks to Our 2024 Golf Tourney Sponsors:

Become a Sponsor

We currently have sponsorship opportunities for our Annual Golf Tournament. To learn more about sponsoring this event, click here.